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Lucas Odahara

Lucas Odahara, born in São Paulo, lives and works in Berlin. He holds a bachelor's in product design from the São Paulo State University and a masters in arts from the University of the Arts of Bremen. His work has been presented in numerous exhibitions in Europe as well as in South Africa and Pakistan. He is current a recipient of the Kunstfonds Bonn working grant and a guest lecturer at the University of the Arts of Bremen.

Probing the complex relationships between body, space and memory, Lucas works in diverse media to create often architectural-scale installations in which personal and external visual and textual materials are invoked to recompose diverse scenes. Centering histories that are rooted outside of Western spaces, Lucas reimagines the materials he encounters as open negotiations in a present that is never complete. In doing so, he often returns to the format of painted ceramic tiles. Employing a technique that has historically served in the depiction of colonial narratives, in his work, he welcomes the format's modularity as a tool for re-imagination.


    EN / BG